Place born
Organisation / Person
1886-1923, Met Office employee, RNVR Lieutenant, RAF Flight Lieutenant, British

Gendle, Albert Edgar

1809 - 1923

1870-1958, artist, English; British

Elwell, Frederick William

1870 - 1958

1869-1942, engineer, Danish

Poulsen, Valdemar

1869 - 1942

1870-1949, artist; painter; poster artist, Dutch; British

Anrooy, Anton van

1870 - 1949

1870-1942, physicist, French

Perrin, Jean Baptiste

1870 - 1942

1870-1937, naval architect, English; British

Isherwood, Joseph William

1870 - 1937

1869-1940, astronomer, American

Ellerman, F

1869 - 1940

1869-1945, ophthalmologist; surgeon, British

Harman, Nathaniel Bishop

1869 - 1945

1869-1928, geologist; explorer, Swedish

Nordenskjöld, Otto Nils Gustaf

1869 - 1928

1869-1956, artist, Dutch

Raemaekers, Louis

1869 - 1956

1870-1944, astronomer, Turkish-French

Antoniadi, Eugene Marie

1870 - 1944

Young, Samuel Holmes

1869 - 1936

Paget, Richard Arthur Surtees (second baronet of Cranmore)

1869 - 1955

Allison, Richard John

1869 - 1958

1870-1885, printers, London

Letts, Son and Company

1870 - 1885

1869-1930, medalist, Austrian

Breithut, Peter

1869 - 1930

1869-1955, poster artist; painter, British

Birch, Samuel John

1869 - 1955

1870-1932, wife of Constantine I, King of Greece from 1888-1913, German

Sophia, Queen of Greece

1870 - 1932

1870-1947, cricketer; politician; soldier, British

Jackson, Sir Francis Stanley

1870 - 1947

d. 1931, physician; ophthalmic surgeon, Irish

Henry, R Wallace

1870 - 1931

1867-1903, optical instrument and camera manufacturer, London

George Houghton and Son

1869 - 1903

1870-1959, mechanical engineer, English; British

Michell, Anthony George Maldon

1870 - 1959

1870-1952, science and technology historian; Science Museum curator, British

Dickinson, Henry Winram

1870 - 1952

1870-1961, active 1917-1920 as Director of airship production and of munitions, British

Given, Ernest Cranstoun

1870 - 1961

c.1870 - present, manafacturer, British

Dorman Smith Traffic Products Limited


1870-1955, wildlife photographer and artist, Ireland

Dugmore, Arthur Radclyffe

1870 - 1955

1869-1950, photographer, American

Brigman, Anne Wardrope

1869 - 1950

1869-1949, scientific instrument and radio manufacturer, British

Pye, William George

1869 - 1949

1869-1986/7, optical instrument maker (microscope & cameras - Leica), Germany

E Leitz

1869 - 1987

1870-1874, railway company, United Kingdom

Barnstaple & Ilfracombe Railway

1870 - 1874

1878-1924, railway company, United Kingdom

Ballycastle Railway

1812 - 1924

Pendred, Loughnan St. Lawrence

1870 - 1953

Kay, Fred Lawton

1811 - 1969

Biggs, Theodore James

1806 - 1906

John Elder and Company

1869 - 1885

Adamson, Daniel

1869 - 1930

Dickinson, Henry Winram

1870 - 1952

Given, Ernest Cranstoun

1870 - 1961

Wilson, Charles Thomson Rees

1869 - 1959

1897-1968, engineering and manufacturing: agricultural; marine; civil; and aeronautical, Norwich, Norfolk, England, British

Boulton and Paul Limited

1812 - 1968

1898-1915, magazine, English; British

The Girl's Realm

1811 - 1911

1869-1952, painter; artist; poster artist, British

Lee-Hankey, William

1869 - 1952

1870-1938, locomotive engineer, British

Fowler, Henry

1870 - 1938

1869-1957, artist, London, British

Hall, Oliver

1869 - 1957

1869-1959, physicist, British

Wilson, Charles Thomson Rees

1869 - 1959

1869-1947, King of Italy from 1900-1946, Italian

Victor Emmanuel III

1869 - 1947

1869-1870, carriage builders, British

Fairlie Engine & Steam Carriage Company

1869 - 1870

1870-1910, illustrator; painter; poster artist, British; English

Browne, Tom

1870 - 1910

1870-1951, artist, German

Schulze, Hans Rudolf

1870 - 1951

1869-1955, cartoonist; illustrator, British

Morrow, George

1869 - 1955